When Emily saw the posters for the spelling bee, she resolved to work hard and win first prize. A shiny trophy might get her invited to sleepovers and birthday parties! She kept her crazy dream to herself and spent weeks preparing for the big day.
When she entered the auditorium, her stomach knotted sharply, killing all her nervous butterflies. What have I done? she thought as her eyes welled with tears. She ran to the playground and opened her pencil case.
“I’m so very sorry, Ignatius,” Emily whispered. “I misunderstood.”
“No apology necessary,” buzzed the portly bumblebee. “Let us absquatulate! A-B-S-Q-U-A-T-U-L-A-T-E”
© Copyright 2018 Paula Johnson. All rights reserved.
Paula Johnson is the founder and editrix of The Rose City Sisters website.