We’re strolling down Green Street, arms linked, as we have for 39 years, when I sense twilight approaching.
“We should head back,” I advise.
He turns a blank face to me; no wrinkles, unlike mine.
“That Lake Avenue ahead?”
I nod.
“Let’s stop in Bullock’s Tea Room for a drink first.”
The sky darkens.
“Honey, they’re closed.” I try to guide him back.
He doesn’t budge. “We were there last week.”
“No, dear. I was in Philadelphia with my brother last week.”
“What for?”
“I needed to grieve.”
He finally turns toward home.
“Who died?”
“No one yet.”
© Copyright 2016 Miko Johnston. All rights reserved.
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Miko Johnston is the author of the A Petal In The Wind series of historical novels. She’s a founding member of Writers in Residence. A former Glendale resident, she now lives in Washington (the big one).
Wow! This packs a strong punch in so few words, and it says it all. Nicely done.
Wow, very powerful!
I think the story is about Alzheimer’s otherwise I don’t understand the ending.
Wow – great story. Very powerful imagery.
Wow, lovely. I love your use of the sky as metaphor.
Thank you all (I’m traveling in another time zone, so forgive the delay in responding). Yes, it’s meant to show how dementia affects a couple.
A great job capturing a trying time. It takes patience and love. I understand, completely!
I know you do, my friend.
Cool story. I confess, I thought it was going to be about Vampires, but… wait, they don’t have to go home in the dark, but in the sunlight.
I did get the truth at then end though, as my Mom is going through the same thing.
Sadly, many of us have experienced this with loved ones.
Astonishingly moving for 100 words. Excellent. I’m envious.
I’m still not sure she doesn’t plan to murder him when she gets him home, purely out of love.
I like the way the conversation propels the story. Great job.
Very well done. As usual you pack so much into words.
I really liked this story. It’s very clear you craft good yarns with precision and economy of language. My only suggestion: could she have ‘thought’ the last night and not necessarily have said it out loud?
If you meant the last line, then yes, it could have been thought, but she needed to respond to him and my word limit was up.
Hmmm. Had we printed “No one yet.” in italics without the quote marks, it would have indicated that it was her thought.